Kamile 26th Oct 2016 #6

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Wróciłam do domu o 5.
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I came home only at 5.
Ona chodzi do szkoły codziennie.
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She goes to school every day.
Raz w tygodnu ona gra w tenisa.
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Once a week she playS tennis with her friends.
hasło do czegoś
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a password TO sth
Czytam książkę teraz.
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I'm reading a book now.
Codziennie czytam książki.
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Every day I read books.
Dwa dni temu przeczytałam dwie książki.
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Two days ago I read two books.
Przestań narzekać na swoich nauczycieli.
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Stop complaining about your teachers.
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Czy twoja siostra jest niska? / Czy ona jest niska?
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Is your sister short? / Is she short?
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to describe
Poczekaj chwilę, chcę sprawdzić to słowo w słowniku.
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Wait a moment I want to find this word in the dictionary.
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Myślę, że jesteś...
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I think you are...
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Myślę, że powinnaś pójść do lekarza.
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I think you should go to the doctor.
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radzić / dać komuś radę
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to advise sb TO do sth / to give sb some advice
She advised me to sell my old car.
Myślę, że powinnaś włożyć kurtkę.
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I think you should put on a jacket.
Myślę, że powinnaś zdjąć swój sweter.
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I think you should TAKE your sweater OFF.
Czy możesz mi coś poradzić?
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Can you give me some advice?
Musisz jej pomóc.
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You must help her. / You have to help her.
Musisz napisać ten list dzisiaj.
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You must write thius letter today. / You HAVE TO write this letter today.
Ona musi zadzwonić jutro rano.
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She HAS TO call tomorrow morning. / She must call tomorrow morning.
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