Kamile 1st Feb 2017 #9

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Dzisiaj jest pierwszy lutego.
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Today's the first of Feb
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thiRD / 3rd
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a cold
Jak się teraz czujesz?
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How are you feeling now?
Mam zatkany nos.
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I have a blocked nose.
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na pusty żołądek
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on an empty stomach
klucz do sukcesu
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the key to success
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every single day
fast food
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fast food / junk food
NAZWY języków i narodowości piszemy WIELKĄ literą.
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English / German / Italian / French
słuchać czegoś / kogoś
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to listen TO sth / sb
bez wyjątków
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no exception
żeby coś zrobić
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in order to do sth
nie trzeba było (gdy ktoś dał nam przezent)
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you shouldn't have
Nie potrzebuję twojej pomocy.
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I don't need your help.
to jest rodzaj telefonu
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it's A kind of phone
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to feed - fed - fed
Nie rozumiem tego.
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I don't understand. / I don't get it.
po południu
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in the afternoon
Jestem przyzwyczajona do wstawania o 6.
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I'm used to GETTING up at 6.
w weekendy
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on weekends
I'm used to getting up at 10 on weekends.
Moja mama jest przyzwyczajona do uczenia się angielskiego codziennie.
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My mum IS used to LEARNING English every day.
ale / aczkolwiek / зато
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It's really nice to live in England. However, sometimes it's difficult because I miss my family.
tak czy siak
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I was in so much pain I didn’t want to get up in the morning. Nevertheless, I went to football practice as usual.
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ponadto / кроме того
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In my opinion it's very difficult. Moreover, it's too expensive.

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