JQ 07.06.2016

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question réponse
at the turn of
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na przełomie
I was preparing.
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I prepared.
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I was thinking.
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I thought.
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to place an order
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to place an order Anglais
złożyć zamówienie
to process an order
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zrealizować zamówienie
to enter the order to the system
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wprowadzać zamówienie do systemu
we are processing the order
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realizujemy zamówienie
the order is being processed
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zamówienie jest realizowane
I’m entering the order to the system.
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Wprowadzam zamówienie do systemu.
I was working.
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I worked 10 hours.
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Pracowalam 10 h.
I wrote a report.
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Napisałam raport.
I was writing this report all night.
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Pisałam ten raport całą noc.
I went to the client and we spoke 3 hours.
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Pojechałam do klienta i przegadalismy 3h.
What were you doing?
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Co robiłeś?
What did you do?
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Co zrobiłeś?
The decision is made by the boss.
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Decyzja jest podejmowana przez szefa.
The pieces are cut in Jaquet.
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Kawałki są cięte w Jaquet.
The reports are written regularly.
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Raporty są pisane regularnie.
The drawing is being sent to the production.
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Na rysunku jest wysyłany do produkcji.
It won’t be cut till tomorrow.
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To nie będzie wycięte do jutra.
It can’t be helped.
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Już się nic nie da zrobić.

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