Jarek 28.06.2017

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question réponse
I am Polish.
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Jestem polskim.
I am a pilot.
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Jestem pilotem.
I live in Gliwice.
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Mieszkam w Gliwicach.
I have a house.
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Mam dom.
How are you?
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Jak się masz?
Fine, thank you.
commencer à apprendre
Dobrze, dziękuję.
Nice to meet you.
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Miło cię poznać
I am Polish.
commencer à apprendre
Jestem Polakiem.
You are beautiful.
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Ty jesteś piękna.
He is my friend.
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On jest moim kumplem.
She is a receptionist.
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Ona jest recepcjonistką.
It is my seat.
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To jest moje miejsce.
We are happy.
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Jesteśmy szczęśliwi.
You are very nice.
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Jesteście bardzo fajni / mili.
They are far.
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Oni są daleko.
My house is far.
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Mój dom jest daleko.
Are you married?
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Czy ty jesteś meżatka?
How old are you?
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Ile masz lat?
Are you free?
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Jesteś wolny?
Are you with friends?
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Jesteś z przyjaciółmi?
Are you from Poland?
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Czy jesteś z Polski?
Are you from Venezuela?
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Czy ty jesteś z Wenezueli?
Are you from this city?
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Jesteś z tego miasta.
Is it necessary?
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Czy to jest potrzebne?
Is it free?
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Czy to jest wolne?
Is this seat free?
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Czy to miejsce jest wolne?
Is this ... free?
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Czy to ... jest wolne?
Are they in the room?
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Czy oni są w swoim pokoju?
Speak slowly, please.
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Mów wolno, proszę.
this house
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ten dom
that house
commencer à apprendre
tamten dom

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