January 31

 0    17 fiche    jakubkoralewski
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question réponse
załatwiam umowę
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I arrange the contract
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pokaz mody
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fashion show
projektant mody
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fashion designer
projektant mody
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fashion designer
kampania prezydencka
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presidential campaign
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Panie i Panowie!
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Ladies and gentlemen!
zwolenników i przeciwników
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supporters and opponents
wplątaliśmy się w skandal
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we got mixed up in the scandal
wprowadzamy zmiany prawne
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we introduce legal changes
rozwój osobisty
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personal development
Rozwijam swoje umiejętności
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I develop my skills
Jesteśmy największym producentem baterii na świecie!
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We are number one battery producer in the world!
dostawca producent
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Każdy uczy każdego
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Each one teach one
niskie koszty produkcji
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low production costs

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