Izabela 5th Feb 2017 #8

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Przepraszam, że tak późno dałam znać.
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Sorry for the late notice.
po staremu
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same old (same old)
Jaka jest dzisiaj pogoda w Warszawie?
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What's the weather like Warsaw today?
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overcast / cloudy
2 stopnie poniżej zera
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2 degrees below zero
2 stopnie powyżej zera
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2 degrees above zero
Z niecierpliwością oczekuję...
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Looking forward to ... / I'm looking forward ... / I look forward...
Oni odrzucili prośbę.
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They rejected the request.
Ona weszła do budynku w południe.
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She entered the building at noon.
to set up
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to establish sth
oni przeżyli wojnę
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they survived the war
zachować coś w tajemnicy
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to keep sth secret
wygadać się
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to spill the beans
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to put on weight / to put on 6 kilos
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to lose weight / to lose 6 kilos
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to gain weight
puszysty / pulchny
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zgasić ogień / papierosa
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to put the fire OUT / to put the cigarette out
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fire extinguishER
zgasić (ogień; np. gaśnicą)
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to extinguish
przenocować kogoś
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to put SB up
spędzić gdzieś noc / zostać gdzieś na noc
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to stay the night (at sb's place)
Nie mogę znieść jego zachowania.
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I can't put up with his behaviour. / I can't stand his behaviour./ I can't bear his beahaviour.
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a threat
śledztwo / dochodzenie
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let's carry on / let's go on / let's continue
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the day after the tomorrow

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