In the restaurant

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question réponse
har du noe snaks?,
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do you have any snacks?
har du noe smørbrød?,
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do you have any sandwiches?
serverer du mat?,
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do you serve food?
når stenger kjøkkenet?,
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what time does the kitchen close?
serverer du fremdeles mat?,
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are you still serving food?
hvilken smak vil du ha?,
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what flavour would you like?
hva slags type smørbrød har du?,
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what sort of sandwiches do you have?
har du noe varm mat?,
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do you have any hot food?
hva ønsker du?,
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what can I get you?
ønsker du noe å spise?,
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would you like anything to eat?
kan vi få se på menyen, takk?,
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could we see a menu, please?
spise her eller ta med deg?,
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eat in or take-away?
har du noen ledige bord?,
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do you have any free tables?,
et bord for to, takk,
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a table for two, please,
jeg ønsker å reservere,
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I'd like to make a reservation
jeg ønsker å bestille et bord, takk,
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I'd like to book a table, please
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when for?
hvilken tid?,
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for what time?
i kveld klokken syv,
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this evening at seven o'clock
i morgen klokken ett,
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tomorrow at one o'clock
for hvor mange mennesker?,
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for how many people?
jeg har en reservasjon,
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I've got a reservation
har du en reservasjon?,
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do you have a reservation?
kan jeg få se menyen, takk,
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could I see the menu, please?
kan jeg få se vinlisten, takk,
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could I see the wine list, please?
kan jeg kjøpe noe å drikke til deg?,
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can I get you any drinks?
er du klar for å bestille?,
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are you ready to order?
hva er dagens?,
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do you have any specials?
hva er dagens suppe?,
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what's the soup of the day?
hva anbefaler du?,
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what do you recommend?
jeg spiser ikke ...,
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I don't eat...
jeg tar ...,
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I'll have the...
jeg tar denne,
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I'll take this
var det alt?,
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is that all?
ønsker du noe annet?,
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would you like anything else?
ikke noe annet, takk skal du ha,
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nothing else, thank you
hvor lenge vil det ta?,
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how long will it take?
det vil ta omtrent tjue minutter,
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it'll take about twenty minutes
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excuse me!
håper det smaker!,
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enjoy your meal!
vær så god!,
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bon appétit!
ønsker du å smake på vinen?,
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would you like to taste the wine?
kan vi få litt vann?,
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could we have some water?
med eller uten kullsyre?,
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still or sparkling?
har du noe dessert?,
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do you have any desserts?
kan jeg få se dessertmenyen?,
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could I see the dessert menu?
takk, det var deilig,
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thanks, that was delicious
dette er ikke hva jeg bestilte,
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this isn't what I ordered
denne maten er kald,
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this food's cold
dette er for salt,
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this is too salty
dette smaker ikke riktig,
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this doesn't taste right
jeg har ventet lenge,
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we've been waiting a long time
regningen, takk,
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the bill, please
kan vi få regningen, takk,
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could we have the bill, please?
kan jeg betale med kort?,
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can I pay by card?
tar du kredittkort?,
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do you take credit cards?
er service inkludert?,
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is service included?
kan vi betale hver for oss?,
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can we pay separately?
jeg tar dette,
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I'll get this
la oss dele det,
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let's split it
la oss dele regningen,
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let's share the bill
Vennligst vent til du blir anvist bord,
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Please wait to be seated
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Service inkludert,
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Service included
Service ikke inkludert,
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Service not included

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