Idioms - health

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to be well and healthy
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alive and kicking
My aunt is ninety years old and she is very much alive and kicking.
to be well and healthy
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alive and well
The worker was alive and well after the accident.
to be healthy and physically fit
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as fit as a fiddle
My grandfather is ninety years old but he is as fit as a fiddle.
extremely pale
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as pale as a ghost
My grandfather was as pale as a ghost when he entered the hospital.
extremely pale
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as pale as death
The woman in the hospital waiting room was as pale as death.
physically healthy again
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back on one's feet
My mother is back on her feet after being sick for two weeks.
an unpleasant fact that one must accept
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bitter pill to swallow
Losing the election was a bitter pill to swallow for the candidate.
bruised, showing signs of having been physically harmed
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My arm was black
to lose consciousness, to faint, to pass out
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black out
The football player blacked out after being hit by the other player.
to lose control of one's emotions, to have a nervous collapse
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break down
The woman broke down while the lawyer questioned her at the trial.
to perspire from fever or anxiety
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break out in a cold sweat
I usually break out in a cold sweat when I have to make a speech.
to restore someone to health or consciousness, to cure someone
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bring somebody around
The medical workers were able to bring the man around after the accident.
to become very tired and almost sick from doing something for a long time or from working too hard
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burn (oneself) out
After working long hours for many months the woman finally burned herself out.
to get a cold
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catch a cold
I caught a cold last week and had to miss four days of work.
I plan to have my annual check
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up next week.
an examination of a patient by a doctor
a report or certificate that a person or animal is healthy
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clean bill of health
My doctor gave me a clean bill of health when I visited him last month.
to become sick with something, to catch an illness
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come down with (something)
My niece came down with a cold and was unable to visit me last week.
a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist who puts his patients on a couch to talk to them
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couch doctor
The man was sent to see a couch doctor because of his many problems.
the same treatment that one gives to others (usually this has a negative meaning)
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a dose of one's own medicine
We gave the boy a dose of his own medicine after he bullied us.
to make someone bleed, to get blood from someone
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draw blood
The doctor decided to draw blood from the patient in order to check his blood sugar level.
to die suddenly
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drop dead
The bus driver dropped dead while driving the bus.
to become sick or ill
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fall ill
The man fell ill last winter and has not recovered yet.
to feel very healthy
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feel on top of the world
I have been feeling on top of the world since I quit my job.
to get some medicine from a pharmacy (drug store) with the orders from a doctor
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fill a prescription
The man went to the drug store to fill a prescription.
to begin again suddenly (an illness or a disease)
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flare up
My mother's skin problem flared up when she started to use the new hand soap.
There was a flare
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a flare
up of my father's sickness last week.
a sudden worsening of a health condition
to get a bruise or darkened eye after being hit or after bumping into something
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get a black eye
The boy got a black eye when he fell in the playground.
to develop a cramp in the arm or the leg
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get a charley horse
The swimmer got a charley horse while he was swimming.
to receive a physical examination from a doctor
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get a checkup
I go to the doctor every year to get a checkup.
to overcome a difficulty, to recover from an illness or shock
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get over (something)
The woman is having trouble getting over her father`s death.
to become ill
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get sick
I got sick yesterday and did not go to the movie.
to become well, to become healthy again
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get well
The boy was sick but now he is getting well.
to have a baby
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give birth
The woman gave birth to a baby boy last night.
to have an operation in surgery
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go under the knife
The woman went under the knife at the hospital last evening.
to get a medical check
Our company sent all the employees to have a physical last week.
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have a physical (examination)
to be near death (usually because of old age or illness)
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have one foot in the grave
My uncle is very sick and has one foot in the grave.
a psychiatrist
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head shrinker
The man went to see a head shrinker after his recent problems at work.
a woman going through childbirth
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in labor
The woman was in labor for three hours.
a disease that seems to be getting better
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in remission
The cancer of my neighbor's mother has been in remission for several months.
exactly what is needed or wanted
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just what the doctor ordered
A nice hot bath was just what the doctor ordered after my long day at work.
to be very thin or emaciated
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nothing but skin and bones
The young man was nothing but skin and bones when he returned from the long camping trip.
to give someone care to restore him or her to good health
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nurse (someone) back to health
My mother spent several weeks with my grandmother trying to nurse her back to health.
it is easier to prevent something bad than to deal with the results
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an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and I decided to stay home and rest rather than go out in the cold with my sore throat.
unconscious, to have fainted
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out cold
The patient was out cold because of the anesthesia when he entered the operating room.
not in good physical condition
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out of shape
My mother is out of shape and cannot walk for a long distance.
to die
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pass away
The man's father passed away when he was 96 years old.
to die
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pass on
My grandmother passed on when she was 92 years old.
to faint
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pass out
Three teenage girls passed out at the rock concert.
to recover from a serious illness
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pull through
The car accident was very bad and I do not think that the driver will pull through.
to deliberately make someone's unhappiness or shame or misfortune worse
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rub salt in (someone's) wound
My supervisor rubbed salt in my wound when he continued to criticize me for my mistake.
to be in poor condition
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run down
My father worked very hard last month and now he is run down.
to be a common family characteristic
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run in the family
The serious illness runs in the family of my friend.
to show indications or hints of an illness
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show signs of an illness
The man was beginning to show signs of some kind of illness.
a severe headache
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splitting headache
I have been suffering from a splitting headache all morning.
to be absent from work and still receive pay
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take a sick day
I did not feel well yesterday so I decided to take a sick day.
zmienić się na lepsze
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take a turn for the better
The medical condition of my uncle has recently taken a turn for the better.
to become sicker
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take a turn for the worse
My aunt took a turn for the worse last week and she is now in the hospital.
to become ill
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take sick
The little boy took sick early last night.
to measure someone's body temperature
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take (someone's) temperature
to measure the beats of a person's pulse
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take (someone's) pulse
The doctor took the patient's pulse when she arrived at the hospital.
the same treatment that one gives to others (usually this has a negative meaning)
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a taste of one's own medicine
Our boss got a taste of his own medicine when people began to treat him badly like he treats others.
to vomit
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throw up
The woman threw up after eating the bad shellfish.
not feeling well
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under the weather
My boss has been under the weather all week and has not come to work during that time.
healthy and moving around, not sick in bed
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up and about
My uncle has been up and about for a couple of days since he left the hospital.

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