idioms from various fields 2

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question English réponse English
know sth for fact
commencer à apprendre
to be sure of sth
keep all one's wits about one
commencer à apprendre
zachowywać przytomność umysłu; zachowywać zimną krew
be aware of the difficulties
commencer à apprendre
być świadomym trudności
go out of your way to do something
commencer à apprendre
to try very hard to help other people or make them comfortable
lose sight of someone or something
commencer à apprendre
to forget about an important idea or a fact because you are thinking too much about other things
drift off to sleep
commencer à apprendre
to fall asleep gradually
poke fun at someone or something
commencer à apprendre
to make fun of someone or something
bear/keep something in mind
commencer à apprendre
to remember a piece of information when you are making decisions or thinking about a matter ((often + that)
mess about (with something)
commencer à apprendre
to play with or fiddle with something idly and with no good purpose to experiment with something; to use and learn about something

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