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two can play that game
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When you want to hurt someone in the same way they harmed you
Bark up the wrong tree
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To make the wrong choice
Be all ears
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To listen attentively
Be game/ I'm game
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I'm up for it/to aim for something
Be the spitting image of sb
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Take after sb/Look like sb
Bear in mind
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to remember to consider something when you're doing something else
Beat around the bush
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Stop answering a question
Beg to differ with someone
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Politely disagree
Better safe than sorry
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it's wiser to be cautious to avoid regretting having done something afterwards
Break the news
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to give bad news
Can't help but do something
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use this to talk about something you can't control
Call it a day/night
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it's enough
Come in handy
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Be useful
Cut corners
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To do something as easily or cheaply as possible
Do the trick
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to fix something
Draw a blank
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When you can't think of something
Draw blood
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to take blood from your body
familiarity breeds contempt
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when being with someone isn't good for you
Take a rain check
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To do something another time
If you can't beat them, join them
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Be friends with your enemies
If you can't stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen
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if you can't deal with the pressures and difficulties of a situation, you should leave others to deal with it rather than complaining
Get the ball rolling
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to get something started
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incorporating the newest/latest information
Bite off more than you can chew
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to try to do something that is too difficult for you
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No money
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
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when you recognise that you shouldn't risk losing something you already have by trying to get something you think might be better
A drop in the bucket
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something that isn't very important especially when compared to something else
a piece of cake
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something that is very easy
a slap on the wrist
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a gentle warning or punishment
add fuel to the fire
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to make a bad situation worse
All bark and no bites
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when you treathen someone but do nothing in the end
In the same boat
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be in the same difficult circumstances as others
bite my tongue
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make a desperate effort to avoid saying something
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
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be thankful for what you get
in over your head
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beyond the point of being able to control or cope a difficult situation any longer
It's anyone's call
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you don't know what the outcome will be
let bygones be bygones
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let the past go
On the fence
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you can't make up your mind
two heads are better than one
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two people can do better than one/to do something together
what goes around comes around
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if someone treats other people badly he/she will eventually be treated badly by someone else
you can't have your cake and eat it too
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you can't enjoy both of two desiderable but mutually exclusive alternatives
you can't take it with you
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you need to think about what's really important, money means nothing/live now
you don't know what you've got till it's gone
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appreciate what you have now, you might lose it
there's no place like home
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home is the best place to be
cold turkey
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to suddenly stop doing something
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open all the time
a taste of one's own medicine
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when someone does something bad to you and you pay back in the same way
cat got your tongue?
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you can't speak because you're guilty
draw the line
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set the upper limit "say no more"
finding a needle in a haystack
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something hard to find
once in a blue moon
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very rarely
up a creek without a paddle
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to be in a difficult situation
get your feet wet
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try to do something, start slowly
stick your nose into something
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you don't mind your own business
blessing in disguise
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something bad happens but it turns out to be good

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