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ukuć, wymyślić (np. powiedzenie)
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There are two people, who are an impediment to our plan commencer à apprendre
a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress commencer à apprendre
He has such a terrible speech impediment I can barely understand him. commencer à apprendre
We've overcome all obstacles. commencer à apprendre
We encountered another obstacle. commencer à apprendre
Napotkaliśmy kolejną przeszkodę.
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n court, you might invoke the Fifth Amendment (the right not to say something that will make you look bad) if you don't want to talk. commencer à apprendre
a sheaf of papers, a sheaf of hay, corn I've got a sheaf of poems from my youth. commencer à apprendre
plik papierów, snop siana, kukurydzy
A sheaf of something means a bundle of things, particularly paper commencer à apprendre
my creative juices have dried up commencer à apprendre
and so forth = and so on= et cetera= etc. commencer à apprendre
I'm in a rut, and I need a change. commencer à apprendre
Before writers were blocked the other metaphors that were used were things like 'drying up' ... or 'being frozen' or 'stuck in a rut' and so forth commencer à apprendre
in the case of blockage the problem is externalised and objectified commencer à apprendre
in the case of blockage the problem is externalised and objectified commencer à apprendre
So writer's block is a metaphor for an obstacle – something external rather than internal inside of you commencer à apprendre
'It's not my fault – this impediment thing is getting in the way'. commencer à apprendre
you invoked – or called upon – that particular Muse to inspire you commencer à apprendre
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Evoke is usually an indirect action and not something that is necessarily done actively. His story evoked sympathy from the jury. commencer à apprendre
Great Britain invoked military aid from the United States. commencer à apprendre