hitkit2 clothes-idioms

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zachowaj to dla siebie
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keep it under your hat
ona ma bzika na punkcie mody
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she has a bee in her bonnet about fashion
Jestem chory, możesz mnie zastapić
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I am ill can you fill my shoes
zobaczylam go jak go Pan Bog stworzył
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I saw him all in his birthday suit
zawsze niecierpliwie sie przed randką
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i always have ants in my pents before a date
mam na ciebie haczyk
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i have you in my pocket
dyskoteka pękała w szwach
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disco was bursting at the seams
ubrany wystrzałowo
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dressed up to the nines
uspokój sie
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keep your shirt on
ona nie ukrywa uczuć ma serce na dłoni
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she wears her heart on her sleeve

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