headway for test

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question réponse
commencer à apprendre
to look at someone with obvious sexual interest
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to hate someone or something
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to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information, sometimes using threats or violence
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making someone look less attractive or seem worse than they usually do
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acking in dignity
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describes people or actions that show an intention or wish to hurt someone or something very badly
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action of watching other people's private lives:
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the fact of something being the complete opposite of something else or very different from something else, so that one of them must be wrong
delve (into)
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to search
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having a privilege
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to respect and admire someone very much
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of little importance
hound sb out
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to force someone to leave a job or a place
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impossible to satisfy
to pamper
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to treat with excessive kindness
a stalker
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someone who is obsessed with someone else and follows them around
to radicule
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unkind words or actions that make someone or something look stupid
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habit of entering into people private lives
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huge, enormous
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the part of your mind that notices and remembers information when you are not actively trying to do so, and influences your behaviour even though you do not realize it:
to purchase
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to buy
to benefit from sth
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to gain sth
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crowded, overfull
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king, helpful
go bust
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crash, break down
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never stopping or getting any less extreme
to muster sth
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to produce or encourage something such as an emotion or support
be devoid of sth
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to lack or be without something that is necessary or usual
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the act of repaying someone
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mindless of sth
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sb who don't care about sth
to go into stalemate
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to go to a situation in which neither group involved in an argument can win or get an advantage and no action can be taken
break the cycle
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to stop the action
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to completely satisfy yourself or a need, especially with food or pleasure, so that you could not have any more
chronic yearn of sth
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commencer à apprendre
the life, for example in heaven, that some people believe begins after death

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