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Lyn was bouncing on the trampoline.
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a stick of coloured wax or chalk that children use to draw pictures
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to cross off (to draw a line through one or more things on a list because you have dealt with them or they are not needed any more) cross out (to draw a line or lines through something you have written or drawn, usually because it is wrong)
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to munch on sth / to munch at sth Barry sat munching on an apple.
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He just grunted and carried on reading his book.
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Dad was snoozing in his armchair.
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Alan stretched and yawned.
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She gobbled (down) her lunch. to eat something very quickly, swallowing it in big pieces
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to breathe quickly and with difficulty after the effort of running, carrying something heavy etc
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She yawned and rubbed her eyes.
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The nurse bandaged up his sprained ankle.
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The kids all groaned when I switched off the TV. to make a long deep sound because you are in pain, upset, or disappointed, or because something is very enjoyable
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He handed the teacher a slip of paper.
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A few stones came tumbling down the cliff.
pokręcić głową / potrząsnąć głową (na znak NIE) . commencer à apprendre
When asked if he wanted anything else, he just shook his head. to shake - shook - shaken
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Nell was still gazing out of the window.
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to look at something quickly and secretly, especially through a hole or opening