FW, 07.10.2015

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question réponse
better than
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lepszy niż
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My teacher thinks...
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Moja nauczycielka myśli...
He helps...
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on pomaga...
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/tajtl/ tytuł
What is he like?
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Jaki on jest?
What should he be like?
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Jaki on powinien być?
What should a hero be like?
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Jaki powinien być bohater?
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man / men
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facet / faceci
1 policeman / 2 policemen
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1 policjant / 2 policjantów
He is strong.
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On jest silny.
He is a strong man.
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On jest silnym mężczyzną.
In our world there are many super heroes.
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W naszym świecie jest wielu super...
In our class there are 28 people.
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W naszej klasie jest 28 osób.
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cieszyć się czymś, dobrze sie bawić
I enjoyed the trip.
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Podobała mi się wycieczka. (dobrze się bawiłem)
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on Thursday
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w czwartek
I will train.
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Bede trenowal.
I will + NOT train. = I won’t train.
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Nie będę trenował.
Will you train?
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Będziesz trenował?
I will be at home.
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Będę w domu.
I won’t be at home.
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Nie będzie mnie w domu.
Will you be at home?
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Będziesz w domu?
eleven, twelve
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11, 12
I will go home.
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Pójdę do domu.

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