Friends 07 02

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question English réponse English
very STRANGE and UNUSUAL, and difficult to understand or explain
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My hand feels weird.
making you feel slightly angr
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a person or company that provides and serves food and drinks at a party, meeting etc
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used when you think there are too many people trying to do the same job at the same time, so that the job is not done well
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too many cooks (spoil the broth)
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relating to the alphabet
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the book is organised alphabeticly.
to do someone's job because they are not there
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to fill in FOR sb / as sb
Ross had to fill in as a bridesmaid.
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very important and needing to be dealt with immediately
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It's pretty urgent.
Steve's going to move in with her.
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to move in with sb
Could I move in with you for a couple of days.
I'm going to the cinema.
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I'm going to the movies.
soft and warm
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to sleep for a short time during the day
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to nap
Why are you napping over here?
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to vomit, to throw up
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to get sick
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It's like one head/brain.
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It's like one mind.
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I was feeling tired and cranky.
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face cream
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pillow case
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chimney sweep
a priest in the Church of England who is in charge of a church in a particular area
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relating to sex, in a way that is considered immoral or unpleasant
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This is a dirty book.
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to sweep
to make someone feel sexually excited
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to turn sb on
The way he looked at her really turned her on.
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erotic pictures, films, and writing
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someone who gives massages
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very excited, happy, and pleased
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to be thrilled ABOUT sth
We were so thrilled to hear about the baby.
the act of taking money from a bank account, or the amount you take out
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Customers can use the machine to MAKE withdrawals of up to £250 a day.
to ask someone to marry you, especially in a formal way
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to propose to sb
Tim proposed to me only six months after we met.
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to sell ice over the Internet
to practise or make people practise something such as a play or concert in order to prepare for a public performance
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to rehearse
to say very firmly that someone must do something or must stop doing something
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to put your foot down
I'm gonna have to put my foot down.
the part of your body below your waist and above your legs, which includes your sexual organs
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