Friends 07 01

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question English réponse English
something that you write down to remind you of something
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I found a note on my door.
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a chocolate bar
if two people are ... they have agreed to marry
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I'm engaged to Tom.
to scream
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to yell
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a woman at the time she gets married or just after she is married
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I'm gonna be a bride.
exaggeration, bragging
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big talk
the man whom a woman is going to marry
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to lock a door (or window) by sliding a bolt across
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to bolt a door (or window)
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to put on clothes
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to dress up
We should all dress up and go to have champagne.
a short performance by an actor, singer etc that someone watches to judge if they are good enough to act in a play, sing in a concert etc
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I've got an audition for the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra on Friday.
to wear special clothes for fun, or to put special clothes on someone
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to get dressed
the period of time when someone is young, especially the period when someone is a teenager
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Many of these people had used drugs in their youth.
to be anxious or unhappy about someone or something, so that you think about them a lot
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to worry
Don't worry about it.
to not pass a test or examination
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to fail
I failed Biology.
unable to stop taking a harmful substance, especially a drug
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to be addicted to sth
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Michael was smoking pot with some friends.
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Doing something for someone without asking for anything in return.
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no strings attached
It is ok, I will do you a favor... no strings attached!
a man
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a dude
clothes that you wear next to your body under your other clothes
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You just need to take a change of underwear.
to hit
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to pound
He began pounding the keyboard of his computer.
something that you say in order to show that you understand why someone has said or done something
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fair enough
to get the success and praise someone else should have got, by doing what they had intended to do
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to steal somebody's thunder
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to tell someone something that you should keep secret
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to give sb away
I don't want to give the game away (=give information that should be secret) by saying too much.
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tea bags
good sense and judgment, based especially on your experience of life
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a man of great wisdom
foreplay before sex
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third base
to cancel
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to call sth off
The trip to Italy might be called off.
if a woman or female animal is ..., she has an unborn baby growing inside her body
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