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cup of tea
the books are my cup of tea
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lo mío, ser de interés,
algo que se ajusta a los intereses de alguien o se destaca
los libros son... lo mio
All in all
-All in all, I think you did a fine job. -The trip wasn't perfect, but all in all, I'm glad we went.
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considerándolo todo, en definitiva
hold down the fort
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Quedarse al mando
Let the (competition) begin
Let the (fest or tournament...) begin
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que comience la competencia
Over a tea
over a beverage, over a coffee, over cocktail
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Tomando un té
En Este caso siempre estara acompañado de alguna clase de bebida para que tome la traducción correcta
that works
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Esta bien. Eso funciona,
speaking of wich
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Hablando de eso
se usa para conectar la conversación con un nuevo tema relacionado con algo que se habló anteriormente
big deal
What Is the Big Deal?
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Tanto problema, gran problema
go for
Go for it!!!
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ir por... anda por...!!!
From all over the world
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De todo el mundo, de todas partes.
By the way
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por cierto, a proposito
just my luck
I went to the store, and they were out of my favorite snack. Just my luck!
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Que mala suerte la mia!
that was close call
I almost dropped my phone, but I caught it. That was a close call!
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Eso estuvo cerca. Por poco...
at one point
At one point, I almost fell, but my friend caught me just in time.
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En un momento / en un Punto de la situation

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