Fiszki 193, 194, 195, 196, 197

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a shop assistant
Gdzie jest sprzedawca sklepowy?
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Where is the shop assistant?
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a beautician
fryzura, strzyżenie
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hairstyle, haircut
W tym tygodniu chcę pójść do fryzjera.
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I want to go to the hairdresser's this week.
powinno się
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an engineer
Nasza firma powinna zatrudnić inżyniera.
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Our company should hire an engineer.
programista komputerowy
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Computer Programmer
ja powinienem
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I should
ty powinieneś
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you should
on powinien
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It should
my powinniśmy
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we should
oni powinnni
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they should
ja nie powinienem
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I shouldn't
ty nie powinieneś
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you shouldn't
ona nie powinna
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It shouldn't
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an IT specialist
Jesteś taki dobry z matmy, powinieneś być programistą.
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You are so good maths, you should be a computer programmer.
On nie powinien być informatykiem.
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He shouldn't be an IT specialist.

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