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Télécharger mP3 Imprimer jouer consultez
question réponse
projekt badawczy
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a research project
lepsze metody gospodarowania
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better farming methods
w dodatku
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in addition to that
studenci cudzoziemscy, zamorscy
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overseas students
dość ciepło
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fairly warm
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the temperature
15 stopni celcjusza
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15 degrees Centigrade
w południe
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a noon
prawie żadnego wiatru
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almost no wind
lekki wiaterek
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a slight wind
słońce na niebie
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the sun in the sky
słoneczny poranek
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a sunny morning
zmiana pogody
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a weather change
podczas dnia
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during the day
spadek temperatury
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a drop in the temperature
spadająca temperatura
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dropping temperature
bardzo ulewny deszcz
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very heavy rain
padający obficie śnieg w ciągu dnia
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snowing heavily during the day
ani ciepło ani zimno
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neither warm nor cold
zachmurzone czy czyste
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overcast or clear

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