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noszący modne stroje
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wearing fashionable clothes
jeden do drugiego
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to one another
leżący na łóżku
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lying on the bed
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nie próbuj mówić
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don't try to speak
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say something
rozmawiaj ze mną
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talk to me
w średnim wieku
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pani w średnim wieku
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a middle-age lady
otwórz swoją torebkę
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open your handbag
za nami
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behind us
za nią
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behind her
trzymać coś
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to hold something
nie trzymaj mojej walizki
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don't hold my suitcase
wygląda jak
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it look like
wyglądający na zdenerwowanych
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looking very nervous
za kotarą
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behind a curtain
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to take off
zdejmij to
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take it off
pilnuj ich
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watch them

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