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question réponse
iść na ryby
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to go fishing
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a neighbour
idź do kościoła
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go to church
potem, wtedy
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grać w gry
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to play games
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the seaside
nad morzem
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at the seaside
tańszy i lepszy
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cheaper and better
droższy ale lepszy
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more expensive but better
trudniejszy od chińskiego
commencer à apprendre
more difficult than Chinese
krótka noc
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a short night
trochę krótszy
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a little shorter
wiele dłuższy niż dziś
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much langer than today
góry Tatry
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the Tatra Mountains
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the Tatras
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the Alps
tak samo popularny jak tenis
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as popular as tennis
większy czy mniejszy
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langer or smaller
dziesięć lat temu
commencer à apprendre
ten years ago
mniejszy niżdziesięć lat temu
commencer à apprendre
less than ten years ago

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