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polski węgiel
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Polish coal
dużo polskiego węgla
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a lot of Polish coal
duże zagłębie węglowe w Niemczech
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a large coal-field in Germany
zagłębie węglowe w Anglii
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coal-field in England
pola naftowe
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oprócz statków i samolotów
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apart from ships and aeroplanes
ropa i gaz
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oil and gas
trochę ropy ale żadnego gazu
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some oil but no gas
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of course
gospodarka brytyjska dziś
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British economy today
gaz ziemny
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natural gas
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nie każdy w Warszawie
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not everybody in Warsaw
dużo ludzi
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a lot of people
niewiele ludzi
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few people
mów po hiszpańsku
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speak Spanish
przeczytaj to
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read this
jakieś gazety angielskie
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some English newspapers
kup trochę mleka
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buy some milk

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