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narty w marcu
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skiing in March
niebieski rower
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blue bicycle
francuska piłka nożna
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French football
brązowe samochody
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brown cars
tenis czy piłka nożna
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tennis or football
pomarańczowe czy białe
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orange or white
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black and white
telewizja kolorowa
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colour television
kolorowa TV
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colour TV
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a surgeon
najlepszy chirurg w Budapeszcie
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the best surgeon in Budapest
trochę muzyki poważnej
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some classical music
czerwone czy niebieskie
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red or blue
dwa stare rowery
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two old bicycles
żadnej poezji
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no poetry
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moda włoska
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Italian fashion
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black and yellow
jeden z najważniejszych krajów
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one of the most important countries
żaden kraj w Europie
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no country in Europe

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