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question réponse
moja żona
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my wife
moja żona i mój syn
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my wife and my son
jego dwaj synowie
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his two sons
jej trzy córki
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her three daughters
jej mąż i jej dzieci
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her husband and her children
mój ojciec i jego siostra
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my father and his sister
ich troje dzieci
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their three children
ich syn i ich dwie córki
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their son and their two daughters
ich matka
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their mother
ich rodzice
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their parents
jej czterej bracia
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her four brothers
dwóch braci i dwie siostry
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two brothers and two sisters
w jakim wieku
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how old
twój syn
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your son
Pańskie dzieci
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your children
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a worker
robotnik francuski
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a French worker
robotnicy francuscy
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French workers
robotnik angielski
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an English worker
robotnik z Birmingham
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a worker from Birmingham

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