February 6

 0    17 fiche    jakubkoralewski
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question réponse
konkretny projekt
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specific design
stacja transmisyjna
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transmission station
Co masz na myśli?
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What do you mean?
Co przez to rozumiesz?
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What do you mean by that?
turbiny lądowe
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land turbines
doświadczenie w tej branży
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experience in this industry
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I draw
proszę powiedz mi o tym więcej
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tell me more about it please
Wyjaśnij mi to
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explain it to me
Wyjaśniam ci to
commencer à apprendre
I explain it to you
Co to znaczy?
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What does it mean?
Organizuję imprezy
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I organize events
Dzień dobry wszystkim!
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Good morning everyone!
Panie i Panowie!
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Ladies and gentlemen!
to będzie zorganizowane
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it will be organized
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niedaleko morza
commencer à apprendre
near the sea

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