February 3

 0    19 fiche    jakubkoralewski
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Straciłam flow
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I lost my flow
w międzyczasie
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in the meantime
Średnia temperatura
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average temperature
Liczymy pieniądze
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We count the money
Musimy obliczyć średni koszt
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We must calculate the average cost
Studiowałem nauki ścisłe
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I studied science
szkoła podstawowa
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primary school
Rezygnuję z tego rozwiązania
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I give up this solution
wybitny pianista
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outstanding pianist
Gram ze słuchu
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I play by ear
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ona jest cudownym dzieckiem
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she's a prodigy
ona chodzi do szkoły
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she goes to school
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ona nie ma ego
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she doesn't have ego
arkusz kalkulacyjny
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Jestem świetna w muzyce
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I excell in music
Coś mi przychodzi na myśl
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Something comes to my mind
moje skojarzenie było czymś innym
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my association was something else

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