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question English réponse English
outdoor games
commencer à apprendre
cricket and golf
the young and the old
commencer à apprendre
ten per cent
50 per cent of girls
commencer à apprendre
one of these games
less regularly
commencer à apprendre
more or less regularly
stay at home
commencer à apprendre
to go away on holiday
to go camping
commencer à apprendre
a tent
a caravan
commencer à apprendre
to become rich
commencer à apprendre
less energetic than ten years ago
to prefer
commencer à apprendre
going to parties
to give a party
commencer à apprendre
this age group
these age groups
commencer à apprendre
less than 50 per cent
less popular than tennis
commencer à apprendre
once a week
once or twice
commencer à apprendre
three times a month

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