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A cap.
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A map.
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A tap.
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Dan had a cap on his lap.
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У Дэна на коленях была кепка.
The map is in the cap.
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Карта есть в шапке.
Dan had a nap.
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Дэн поспал.
The tap ran on the cap.
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Кран бежал по крышке.
The tap ran on the map.
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Тап побежал по карте.
The tap ran on the cap and on the map.
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Тап бегал по шапке и по карте.
Dan has a wet cap.
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У Дэна мокрая кепка.
Dan has a wet map.
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У Дэна мокрая карта.
Dan has a wet cap and a red map.
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У Дэна мокрая кепка и красная карта.

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