english week 5

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question réponse
jeg kan kjøre bil
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i can drive a car
jeg kan høre deg
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I can hear you
det kan jeg ikke
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i can’t do that
jag kan bake kake
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I can bake cake
jeg kan ikke gjøre det.
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i can’t do that
jeg kan ikke komme i morgen.
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I can't come tomorrow.
jeg kan synge
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I can sing
jeg kan ikke vente lenger
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I can't wait any longer
jeg kan ikke sykle
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I can't ride a bike
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skrive og eller men
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write and or but
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det er en solrik dag
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it is a sunny day
det er varmt
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it is hot
himmelen er overskyet
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the sky is cloudy
det regner ikke
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it is not raining
det er en solrik dag, og det er varmt
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it is a sunny day, and it is hot
himmelen er overskyet, men det regner ikke.
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the sky is cloudy, but it is not raining.
motsatte ideer
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opposite ideas
forbinder ord eller konjunksjoner
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connecting words or conjunctions
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bra takk. Og du?
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fine thanks. And you?
hvordan har du det? flott!
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how are you? great!
TV-en er på
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the tv is on
vi ser ikke på det
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we’re not watching it
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jeg kan ikke drikke det
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i can’t drink it
jeg må gå ned i vekt
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i have to lose weight
jan fikk et brev fra en venn
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jan got a letter from a friends
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dan leser mye, men han skriver ikke
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dan reads a lot, but he doesn’t write
måter å være høflige på
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ways to be polite
kom inn.
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please come in.
vil du ikke få plass?
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won't you have a seat?
tusen takk
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thank you very much
vil du ha litt te?
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would you like some tea?
ville du
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would you
Ja takk
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yes, thank you
vil du ha noe mer?
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would you like some more?
Kan jeg
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May I
Får jeg bruke toalettet ditt?
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May I use your restroom?
kan jeg bruke ... Ja, det kan du
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may i use ... Yes, you may
etter deg.
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after you.
kan jeg hjelpe deg?
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can I help you?
Beklager. Jeg fikk ikke navnet ditt.
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I’m sorry. I did not catch your name.
det er hyggelig å møte deg, Tom.
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it’s nice to meet you, Tom.
gleden er min/ bare gyhggelig
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the pleasure is mine
ha det. Vær trygg.
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goodbye. Be safe.
vær trygg.
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be safe.
vil du ikke ha plass til å sitte
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won’t you have a seat
ville du
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would you
jeg gjorde ikke
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i did not

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