Emotions and feelings

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to admire sb
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podziwiać kogoś
to adore sb
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uwielbiać kogoś
to calm down
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uspokoić/opanować się
to comfort sb
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pocieszać kogoś
to despise sb
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pogardzać kimś
to worship sb
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ubóstwiać kogoś
to cheer up
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rozchmurzyć się
to fall in love with sb
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zakochać się w kimś
to be fed up with sb
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mieć kogoś dość
to be in good/bad mood
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być w dobrym/złym nastroju
to be unable to stand sb
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nie móc kogos znieść
to hide one's emotions
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ukrywać emocje
to get on well with sb
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być z kimś w dobrych stosunkach
to look down on sb
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patrzeć na kogoś z góry
to look up to sb
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podziwiać kogoś
to lose one's temper
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stracić panowanie
to be on top of the world/over the moon/on cloud nine
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być w siódmym niebie
to jump for joy
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skakać z radości

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