Elinga 20th Feb 2015

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question réponse
w radiu
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ON the radio
w internecie
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ON THE Internet
ile masz lat?
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how old are you?
Co robisz/Czym się zajmujesz?
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What DO you do?
Czy masz jakieś rodzeństo?
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Do you have any siblings? / Do you have any brothers or sisters?
zwierzak domowy
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Czy masz jakieś książki po angielsku?
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Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Nie mam żadnych książek po angielsku
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I don't have ANY books in English
Nie mam żadnych przjaciół w Polsce.
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I don't have any friends in Poland.
ile masz kotów
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how many cats do you have?
Ilu masz przyjaciół w Polsce?
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how many friends do you have in Poland?
w zeszłym tygodniu
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last week
w zeszłym miesiącu
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last month
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dwa dni temu
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two days ago
trzy tygodnie temu
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three weeks ago
pięć lat temu
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five years ago
dziesięć godzin temu
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ten hours ago
jest trzecia godzina
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it's three o'clock
zegarek na rękę
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a watch
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ile masz czasu?
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how much TIME do you have?
On ma dużo wolnego czasu
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He has a lot of free time.
Co robisz w wolnym czasie?
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What do you do in your free time?
W wolnym czasie gotuję.
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In my free time I cook.
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