Part of his healthy lifestyle is to play squash every day after work, and that accounts for sprained ankle. commencer à apprendre
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to be particular about sth commencer à apprendre
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Quite apart from the amount of money we spent on food, we also spent huge sums on fitness classes. commencer à apprendre
zupełnie niezależnie od, pomijając
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zamazują, ukrywają prawdziwą naturę
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wieloziarnisty, razowy chleb
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przypadkowo znaleźć rozwiązanie problemu
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there is sth depressing about performing a task only so that it can be messed up commencer à apprendre
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revert to type = behave according to stereotypes commencer à apprendre
powracać do tego jaki byłeś kiedyś
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wszystko sprowadza się do
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the moral overtones are creating considerable strain commencer à apprendre
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zintensyfikować sth, zwiększyć
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przewiewny, z przeciągami
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to have mixed feelings ABOUT sth commencer à apprendre
mieć mieszane uczucia co do czegoś
can't make head or tail of it commencer à apprendre
susan brought out a slim volume of poetry commencer à apprendre
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