Describing people

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być dobrodusznym
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to have a heart of gold
to be very kind, generous
być dobrym, grzecznym
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to be as good as gold
to be helpful, well-behaved
być niewspółczujacym
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to be as hard as nails
być nieprzyjaznym
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to be rather a cold fish
to be distant, unfriendly
być irytującym
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to get on everyone's nerves
to be irritating, annoying
być utrapieniem
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to be a pain in the neck
to be a nuisance
być trudnym w kontaktach
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to be an akward customer
być dziwnym
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to be an odd-ball to be strange, peculiar
wywyższać się
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to be over the top
to be very exaggerated in behaviour
być szalonym
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to be round the band
to be absolutely crazy, mad
być normalnym, przecietnym
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to be middle-of-the-road
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a teacher's pet a blue-eyed boy
być prymusem
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to be top of the class
przemądrzały, wszystkowiedzący
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a real know-all
commencer à apprendre
a lazy-bones

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