Dates - History of Britain

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question English réponse English
Stonehenge completed:
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1.600 BC as construction
Julius Caesar's raids on Britain:
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55 and 54 BC
Claudian conquest of Britain:
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Queen Boudicca's revolt:
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61 AD
Hadrian Wall completed:
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129 AD
Roman rule ends in Britain:
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409 AD
Beginning of Anglo-Saxon invasions of Britain:
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Christianization of Ireland by St. Patrick:
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5th century (circa 428 AD)- 430/431
St. Augustine founds a monastery at Canterbury:
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597 AD
Synod of Whitby:
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664 AD
Venerable Bede completes the History of the English Church and People:
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731 AD
reign of Alfred the Great:
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871-899 AD
Treaty of Wedmore:
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878 AD
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle:
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891 - 1154 AD
Battle of Brunanburgh:
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937 AD
Battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings:
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Sept 25th 1066 AD
Domesday Book:
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1086 AD
Magna Carta Libertatum:
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1215 AD
Simon de Montfort's parliament:
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1265 AD
Statute of Rhuddlan:
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1284 AD
Model Parliament:
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1295 AD
Battle of Bannockburn:
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1314 AD
Hundred Years' War:
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1337-1453 AD
Battle of Crecy:
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1346 AD
Black Death:
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1348-1350 AD
Great Revolt of the Peasants:
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1381 AD
revolt of Owain Glyndwr:
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1400-1415 AD
Battle of Agincourt:
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Wars of the Roses:
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Battle of Bosworth
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Act of Supremacy
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Wales legally incorporated by England
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Reign of Queen Elizabeth I
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Francis Drake circumnavigates the world
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defeat of the Spanish Armada
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personal union of England and Scotland
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the Gunpowder Plot
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the Authorized Version of the Bible
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English Civil War
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Execution of Charles I
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the Commonwealth and the Protectorate -
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1649-53; 1653-1660
Great Fire of London
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The Habeas Corpus Act –
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1679 (Royal Assent – 27 May 1679)
Glorious Revolution (also called the Revolution of 1688) –
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English Bill of Rights –
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Battle of the Boyne –
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Foundation of the Bank of England –
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27 July 1694
Act of Settlement –
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Battle of Blenheim –
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13 August 1704
Act of Union England + Scotland, Great Britain comes in life –
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Jacobite Rebellion of Fifteen –
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Robert Walpole becomes the first Prime Minister –
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Battle of Culloden –
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16 April 1746
Battle of Plassey –
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23 June 1757
Captain Cook’s voyages:
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First voyage (1768–71); Second voyage (1772–75); Third voyage (1776–79)
French Revolutionary War –
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1792 -1802
Battle of the Nile –
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Union of Great Britain and Ireland –
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Battle of Trafalgar –
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Battle of Waterloo –
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Catholic Emancipation Act (also called Catholic Relief Act) –
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Great Reform Bill (First Reform Act) –
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Abolition of slavery in all British dominions –
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Reign of Queen Victoria –
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20 June 1837 to 22 January 1901
Chartist Movement –
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1838 – 1848
Crimean War
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October 1853 – February 1856
Indian Mutiny
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10 May 1857 – 1859
British North America Act
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The Boer Wars
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1880-1881, 1899-1902
Labor Party first time in Parliament
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Parliament Act
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World War I
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28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918
Gallipoli Campaign
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25 April 1915 to 9 January 1916
Battle of the Somme
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1 July to 18 November 1916
Battle of Jutland
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31 May to 1 June 1916
Easter Rising from Easter Monday
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24 April to 30 April 1916.
Gorge V changes the name of the Royal House to Windsor
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17 July 1917
Treaty of Versailles
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28 June 1919
Irish Free State established
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6 December 1922
Statue of Westminster
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11 December 1931
Abdication of Edward
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VII December 1936
World War II
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1 September 1939 – 2 September 1945
Dunkirk Evacuation
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26 May and the early hours of 3 June 1940
Battle of Britain
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10 July – 31 October 1940
Battle of El Alamein and loss of Singapore days from
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23 October – 11 November 1942
Monte Cassino
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17 January – 18 May 1944
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June 6th 1944
Operation Market Garden
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26 June 1945
United Nations formed
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India becomes independent
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15 August 1947
National Health Service created
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NATO formed
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4 April 1949
Reign of Elizabeth II
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6 February 1952 – present
Suez Crisis
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29 October 1956 – 7 November 1956
(Sinai under Israeli occupation until March 1957)
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(Sinai under Israeli occupation until March 1957)
Life Peerages Act
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30 April 1958
The Troubles in Ireland (Belfast "Good Friday" Agreement)
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Late 1960s–1998
Britain enters the EEC
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1 January 1973
Falklands War
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2 April 1982 – 14 June 1982
the Gulf War
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2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991 (210 days) (Operation Desert Shield officially ended 30 November 1995)
Maastricht Treaty
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7 February 1992
Good Friday Agreement
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10 April 1998
Handover of Hong Kong
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1 July 1997
Death of Princess Diana
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31 August 1997
Establishment of the Scottish National Parliament
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Scotland Act 1998
Establishment of the National Assembly for Wales
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House of Lords Act
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11 November 1999
New Zealand claimed for Britain
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Australia claimed for Britain and named New South Wales
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