czasownik have got -mieć forma twierdząca

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question réponse
ja mam
commencer à apprendre
I have got
commencer à apprendre
you have got
on ma
commencer à apprendre
he has got
ona ma
commencer à apprendre
she has got
ono, to ma
commencer à apprendre
it has got
my mamy
commencer à apprendre
we have got
wy macie
commencer à apprendre
you have got
oni mają
commencer à apprendre
they have got
I have got =
commencer à apprendre
I've got
you have got =
commencer à apprendre
you've got
he has got
commencer à apprendre
he's got
she has got =
commencer à apprendre
she's got
it has got =
commencer à apprendre
it's got
we have got =
commencer à apprendre
we've got
they have got=
commencer à apprendre
they've got


Nayczyciel il a écrit: 2011-09-13 15:09:24
Bardzo dobrze ;) BALB!

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