czas wolny

 0    32 fiche    zmudatrzebiatowska
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czas wolny
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free time
czas wolny, wypoczynek
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leisure, recreation
w ciągu tygodnia
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during the week
w ciagu tygodnia
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on weekdays
grac w ping ponga
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to Play Ping Pong
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a team
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zawody sportowe
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chciec czegos gorąco
commencer à apprendre
to be keen on
kólko literackie
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literary set
spotkanie, zebranie
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meeting, gathering
pouczające, oświecające
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przegapić, opuszczać
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To miss, to leave
uczęszczac na
commencer à apprendre
to Attend
wieczorek muzyczny
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a musical evening
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commencer à apprendre
conviction, belief
commencer à apprendre
to waste
czas wolny, odpoczynek
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free time, rest
czas wolny
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spare time
na szczytach gór
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At the top of the mountains
słuchac muzyki
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to Listen to music
jeżdzic na rowerze
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trasa rowerowa
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cycling route
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czytać książki
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to read books
spedzic czas poza domem
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Spend time away from home
być czlonkiem klubu
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to be a member of the club
iść na spacer
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to go for a walk
zaprosic przyjaciól
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to Invite friends
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to laze
wyjsc z psem na spacer
commencer à apprendre
to take the dog for a walk

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