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question English réponse English
Where did Monika leave her umbrella?
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Monika left her umbrella in a park.
When did Mr and Mrs Thompson get married?
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Mr and Mrs Thompson got merried in 1977.
What did the children find?
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The children found a wallet.
How much did you pay for these gloves?
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I paid twenty pounds for these gloves.
Where did Harry and Juliet meet?
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Harry and Juliet met at university.
What did Cindy wear at the party?
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Cindy wore a long coctail dress at the party.
When did Mr Collon write the book?
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Mr Collons wrote the book three years ago.
What did Mr Palmer teach?
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Mr Palmer taught chemistry.
Where did you put my exercise books?
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I put your exercise books on your desk.
Why did they run away?
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They ran away because they were afraid.

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