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gang złodzieji
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a gang of robbers
kiść winogron
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bunch of grapes
kiść czereśni
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bunch of cherries
kiść bananów
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bunch of bananas
stado ptaków, owiec
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flock of birds, sheep
stado krów, bawołów
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herd of cows, buffalos
stado wilków
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pack of wolves
zgraja psów
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pack of hunds
miot kociątek, szczeniaków
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litter of kittens, puppies
ławica ryb
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shoal of fish
rój pszczół
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swarn of bees
kępa kwiatów
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clump of flowers
bukiet kwiatów
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bouquet of flowers
blok mieszkalny
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block of flats
szereg pomieszczeń
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suite of rooms
skupisko domów
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cluster of houses
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drużyna piłkarska
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team of footbalers
zaprzęg wołów
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team of oxen
towarzystwo pieknych dziewczyn
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bevy of beatiful girls
komisja dyrektorów
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board of directors
snop pszenicy
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sheaf of wheat
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an assembly
flota statków
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fleet of ships
kolekcja filiżanek do herbaty
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set of teacups
tłum ludzi
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crowd of people
szum rozmowy
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hum of conversation
pęd owiec
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drove of sheep
partia listów
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a batch of letters
sieć sklepów
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chain of shops
kępka włosów
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tuft of hair
kępka trawy
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tuft of grass
pasma górskie
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range of mountains
plik notatek
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a wad of notes
zgoda opinii
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consensus of opinion
sterta gazet
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a pile of newspapers
mnóstwo książek (leżących)
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heap of books
konfederacja stanów
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confederation of states
grządka kwiatów
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a bed of flowers
huk piorunów
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a peal of thunder
błysk błyskawicy
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flash of lightning
napad gniewu
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a fit of anger
kłęby dymu
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puff of smoke
bryła węgla
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a lump of coal
szczęsliwy traf, uśmiech losu
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a stroke of luck
bochenek chleba
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a loaf of bread
częśc garderoby
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an article of clothing
różnica poglądów
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a chorus of dissent
próba wytrzymałości
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feat of endurance
ryk śmiechu
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roar of laughter
źdźbło trawy
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blade of grass
pitch of excitement
commencer à apprendre
szczyt podniecenia

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