Code Red B2

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question réponse
stop demending sth, stop saying that you will do sth
commencer à apprendre
back down
escape (from prison)
commencer à apprendre
break out
follow sb/sth quickly in order to catch them
commencer à apprendre
chase after
introduce a new law or system
commencer à apprendre
bring in
offer help or information
commencer à apprendre
come forward
escape punishment for
commencer à apprendre
get away with
explode, be fired (for a gun)
commencer à apprendre
go off
give to a person in authority
commencer à apprendre
hand in
rob while thretening violencly
commencer à apprendre
hold up
give little or no punishment, make a bomb, explode
commencer à apprendre
let off
commencer à apprendre
look into
commencer à apprendre
make off
write down what someone says
commencer à apprendre
take down
trick sb into believing sth that is not true
commencer à apprendre
take in

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