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rozpychający się łokciami, zarozumiały
are careful to do any work well commencer à apprendre
are easily influeced by other people and often too ready to admire them commencer à apprendre
are calm and sensible when making judgements commencer à apprendre
never desert you in crisis and are always ready to give you their support commencer à apprendre
are unreasonably anxious or sensitive commencer à apprendre
are always willing to discuss things honestly commencer à apprendre
are clever at doing things and dealing with difficulties commencer à apprendre
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are usually without remorse, pity or forgiveness commencer à apprendre
like to keep their thoughts and intentions hidded from others commencer à apprendre
are very good at making practical judgements, especially when they are to their own advantage commencer à apprendre
dont let anything get in the way of their main aim in life commencer à apprendre
are too pleased with themselves and their qualities, position, etc. commencer à apprendre
are easily moved to pity and very quick to forgive, kind, kindly, tenderhearted, tender, gentle, sympathetic, compassionate commencer à apprendre
often try to harm or annoy others, especially in some small way, cruel, unkind, bitchy, catty commencer à apprendre
like to be obeyed and are strong believers in discipline, severe, harsh, uncompromising, authoritarian, governessy commencer à apprendre
surowy, rygorystyczny, ostry, stanowczy
having a natural aptitude or skill for something, gifted, skillful, skilled, accomplished, brilliant, expert commencer à apprendre
insincere and deceitful, double-dealing, Janus-faced, hypocritical, double-tongued commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
rozrzutny, ekstrawagancki
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sympathetically aware of other people's feelings, tolerant and forgiving commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre