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documents gives police particular powers
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jedzenie i zakwaterowanie commencer à apprendre
food and logging - accomodation
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agencje egzekwujące prawo commencer à apprendre
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Umarł bez grosza przy duszy. commencer à apprendre
He died without a penny to his name.
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Submit yourself to the surge.
Być skazanym na dożywocie. commencer à apprendre
To be sentenced to life inprisonment.
Musisz oddać się w ręce władz. commencer à apprendre
You must submit yourself to a serge.
dziecko z nieprawego łoża commencer à apprendre
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to be tightfisted/to be mean with money
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commencer à apprendre
documents gives police particular powers commencer à apprendre
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