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question réponse
Dzień dobry. Jak się Pan / Pani miewa?
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Good morning. How are you?
Dziękuję, świetnie.
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Thank you, I’m great.
Jak się Pan miewa?
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How are you? (to a man)
Jak się Pani miewa?
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How are you? (to a woman)
Co u Pana?
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How are things with you? (to a man)
Co u Pani?
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How are things with you? (to a woman)
Co u ciebie?
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How are things with you?
Co słychać?
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How are things going?
Co nowego?
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What’s new?
Doskonale, dziękuję.
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Excellent, thank you.
Świetnie, dziękuję.
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Great, thank you.
Bardzo dobrze, dziękuję.
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Very well, thank you.
Dobrze, dziękuję.
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OK, thank you.
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BYĆ Anglais
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I am
Jestem z Portugalii.
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I am from Portugal.
Jestem z Polski.
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I am from Poland.
Jestem zajęty.
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I am busy. (a man)
Jestem zajęta.
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I am busy (a woman)
Jestem w biurze.
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I am in the office.
Jestem umówiony z Panem Kowalskim.
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I have an appointment with Mr Kowalski.
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I am...
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you are
Jesteś z Portugalii?
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Are you from Portugal?
Jesteś z Polski?
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Are you from Poland?
Jesteś zajęty?
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Are you busy (to a man)?
Jesteś zajęta?
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Are you busy (to a woman)?
Jesteś w biurze?
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Are you in the office?
Jesteś umówiony z Panem Kowalskim?
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Do you have an appointment with Mr Kowalski?
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Are you...?
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he is / she is / it is
Jest Pan z Portugalii?
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Are you from Portugal, sir?
Jest Pani z Polski?
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Are you from Poland, madam?
Jest Pan zajęty?
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Are you busy, sir?
Jest Pani w biurze?
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Are you in the office, madam?
Jest Pan umówiony?
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Do you have an appointment, sir?
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Is he/she/it/this/there?
Nie mówię po polsku.
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I don’t speak Polish.
Nie rozumiem.
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I don’t understand.
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Slowly, please.
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I’m sorry. Excuse me.
Przepraszam, nie rozumiem.
commencer à apprendre
I’m sorry, I don’t understand.

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