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question réponse
le ministre des finances
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the ministry of Finance
le president de la chambre des Lords
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the Lord Chancellor
ministre de l'intérieur
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Home Secretary
Le ministère de l'intérieur
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Home Office
le siege du gouvernement
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Le parlement, Les Chambres
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convoquer le parlement
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To summon a session
vacances parlementaires
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A recess
Une éléction legislative
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A general election
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a by-election
appeler aux urnes
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to call an election
aller aux urnes
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go to the polls
un bureau de vote
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a polling station
un isoloir
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apolling booth
une urne
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a ballot box
etre inscrit sur les listes électorales
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to be on the register
par correspondance
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a postal vote
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to cast a vote
circonscription électorale
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