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by and large
Business has fallen off a bit in the last two months, but by and large we're doing ok.
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short and sweet
This morning's meeting was short and sweet.
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clearly, short in a way that is pleasing
loud and clear
I can hear you loud and clear.
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very clear and easy to understand
safe and sound
After three days lost in the mountains, all the climbers arrived home safe and sound.
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completely safe and without injury or damage
up and down
She's been very up and down since her husband went into hospital.
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sometimes happy and sometimes sad/sometimes successful and sometimes not successful
on and off
I've been studying Russian for about six years now on and off
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with breaks
hitt and miss
There's a huge number of places to eat in the city, but the quality is a bit hit and miss
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a bit risky
now and then
I love the city, but I do like a trip to the country now and then.
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sometimes, occasionally
peace and quiet
It's quite hard to find peace and quiet
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peace and quiet
long and hard
You need to think long and hard before you buy the flat. It's very expensive.
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here and there
It's a fairly affluent area, but there are still little pockets of poverty here and there.
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in some places
sick and tired of
I can't take it anymore. I'm sic and tired of the constant noise.
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fed up
law and order
After the hurricane struck, there was a complete breakdown of law and order in the city
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a situation in which the laws of a country are being obeyed, especially when the police or army are used to make certain of this
rules and regulations
The city's being ruined by the ever growing number of stupid rules and regulations.
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rules and regulations
first and foremost
Cities should be first and foremost places for kids.
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first of all (formal)
give or take
The number of unemployed in the area is about 10 000, give or take.
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plus or minus a small amount

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