Basic phrases 2 - Useful English

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question réponse
co myślisz?
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what do you think?
Myślę, że...
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I think that...
Mam nadzieję, że...
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I hope that...
Obawiam się że...
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I'm afraid that...
Zgadzam się
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I agree
Nie zgadzam się
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I don't agree
Myślę, że tak
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I think so
myślę, że nie
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I don't think so
Mam nadzieję, że tak
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I hope so
Mam nadzieję, że nie
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I hope not
masz rację
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you're right
jesteś w błędzie / mylisz się
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you're wrong
Nie mam nic przeciwko
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I don't mind
jak chcesz
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it's up to you
to zależy
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it depends
to ciekawe
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that's interesting
to zabawne
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that's funny
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be careful
Zgubiłem się
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I'm lost
Nie mogę znaleźć...
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I can't find...
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I've lost...
zostaw mnie w spokoju
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leave me alone
jak leci?
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how's it going?
jak życie?
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how's life?
W porządku, dziękuję
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alright, thanks
nie za dobrze
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not so well
tak sobie
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so so
jak o tobie?
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how about you?
co porabiałeś
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what are you up to?
dużo pracy
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lots of work
Jestem bardzo zajęta
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I'm very busy
to samo co zwykle
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same as usual
Właśnie wróciłem...
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I've just come back from...
gdzie jesteś?
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where are you?
czy masz jakieś plany na...
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do you have any plans for...
przepraszam, nie usłyszałam...
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I'm sorry I didn't catch...
znacie się?
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do you know each other?
miło cię poznać
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nice to meet you
Skąd jesteś?
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where are you from?
gdzie mieszkasz?
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where do you live?
co cię sprowadza do...
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what brings you to...
Jestem na wakacjach
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I'm on holiday
Jestem służbowo
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I'm on business
podoba Ci się tutaj?
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do you like it here?
ile masz lat?
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how old are you?
kiedy masz urodziny?
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when's your birthday?
z kim mieszkasz?
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who do you live with?
mieszkasz sam?
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do you live on your own?
Jaki jest twój adres e-mail?
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what's your email address?
jaki jest Twój numer telefonu?
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what's your phone number?
jesteś na Facebooku?
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are you on Facebook?
jesteś na Skypie?
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are you on Skype?

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