banking, money, company law

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the foreign currency, gold, etc. that is held by the central bank of a country:
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money, or sums of money:
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the situation of owing money, especially when you cannot pay:
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money that is paid by a government or an organization to reduce the costs of services or of producing goods so that their prices can be kept low:
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one of a number of payments that are made regularly over a period of time until sth has been paid for or an agreed amount has been paid:
paying-in slip
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a printed form on which you record the amount of money, the date, etc. when you put money into your bank account:
standing order
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an instruction that you give to a bank to pay sb a fixed amount of money from your account on the same day each week, month, etc:
debits my account
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to take an amount of money from an account, especially a bank account:
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a payment in money or shares that a company makes to its shareholders:
monthly tax return
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a formal statement made by a company or person giving details of all the money they have received so that the amount of tax they have to pay can be calculated
tax return document
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a statement of how much money a company or person has earned and their expenses, used by the government to calculate how much tax they have to pay; the form on which this statement is made:
personal(current) account
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a bank account that you use to receive payments and pay bills, for example by cheque or bank transfer:
saving account
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a bank account that receives interest on the money put into it
bank statement
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a printed record of all the money paid into and out of a customer\sis bank account within a particular period:
proximity card
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a smart card which can be "read" without inserting it into a reader device
deposit account
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a type of account at a bank or building society that pays interest on money that is left in it. You have to warn the bank a few days before you want to take the money out:
joint account
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a bank account that is used by two or more people, for example a husband and wife:
business account
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a bank account (such as a checking or savings) specifically designated to receive transactions on the behalf of a commercial operation. it is very similar to a personal account, only the account holder's name is the business DBA (doing business as) name.
bank balance
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the amount of money that sb has in their bank account at a particular time:
banking clerk
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an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money
bank deposit
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the total amount of money that has been paid into one bank or all banks in a particular area or country:
bank holiday
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a public holiday, for example New Year\sis Day, when banks, businesses, government offices, etc. are officially closed:
merchant bank
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a bank that deals with large businesses, for example providing finance for trade with foreign companies, helping with the sales of shares or bonds, or giving advice on investments:
bank off-shore
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the deposit of funds by a company or individual in a bank that is located outside their national residence.
retail banking
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the part of a bank\sis business that involves providing services to members of the public:
wholesale banking
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a bank that provides services for other banks and large businesses and not to individual customers or small businesses
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the money that a person, a region, a country, etc. earns from work, from investing money, from business, etc:
tax rebate/refund
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a refund on taxes when the tax liability is less than the taxes paid.
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an amount of money that is saved or collected for a particular purpose, especially for investing in companies, projects, etc.; an organization that controls this money:
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money that sb invests in a company:
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money, food, etc. that is sent to help countries or people in difficult situations:
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money that is paid to people who are unemployed, ill, etc., by the government or through a system of insurance
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(about a price) much too high:
be in the black
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markets or shares are higher in value than they were previously:
be in the red
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markets or shares are lower in value than they were previously:
overdrew an account
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to take more money out of your bank account than is in it:
legal status
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a status defined by law
natural person
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a human, not a company or an organization
legal entity
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an organization or a person that has the right to make contracts, to use the legal system to settle disputes, and to make other legal arrangements:
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to make shares in a company available for trading on a stock exchange:
Registral of Companies/Companies House
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it is responsible for recording and maintaining certain details of the new and existing firms within his or her jurisdiction
sign a notary deed
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a type of written agreement that is made and signed in a formal way.
management board
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a group of senior executives that are responsible for deciding on the way a company or an organization is managed:
supervisory board
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in some countries, a group of directors who represent a company\sis shareholders, advising the directors who manage the company and checking that everything is done correctly:
shareholdres meeting
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meeting, usually annual, of all shareholders of a corporation (although in large corporations only a small percentage attend) to elect the Board of Directors and hear reports on the company's business situation.
under the law
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according to the law
share/stock certificate
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a legal document that is given to a shareholder, containing details of the shares that they own:
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a formal statement of an opinion that is decided on by a committee or a council, especially by means of a vote:
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the practice of obeying rules or requests made by people in authority:
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the state of being legally or officially acceptable:
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checking or proving that sth is accurate, true, useful or of an acceptable standard:
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formed into an official company or organization with legal status:
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connected with a company or a group, or with business in general:
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to state officially, especially in writing, that sth is true:
personal liability
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the legal responsibility that an individual has for injury or damage to sb/sth, or for the debts of a company they own:
ultra vires
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beyond power
subject to
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Being in a position or in circumstances that place one under the power or authority of another or others
certificate of incorporation
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an official document that states that a company has officially been created:
statutory forms
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fixed by law; that must be done by law:
authorised capital, authorised share capital, registered capital or nominal capital
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the maximum amount of money that a company is allowed to raise by selling shares
annual general meeting
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an important meeting of the shareholders or members of a company, held once a year, to present the accounts and discuss important topics:
extraordinary general meeting
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a meeting of the shareholders or members of a company that is held to discuss an urgent issue that cannot be left until the next annual general meeting:
confidentiality duty
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the need to keep particular information secret:
duty of care
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a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that they adhere to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others
fiduciary duty
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the legal duty of a fiduciary to act in the best interests of the beneficiary)
balance sheet
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a written statement that shows the financial state of a company at a particular time. It lists the company\sis assets and all money owed (liabilities):
profit and loss account
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an official financial record that gives details of all a company\sis income and expenses for a particular period and shows if it has made a profit or a loss:
bonus/capitalization issue
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a situation in which a company uses its spare profits (reserves) to create new shares, which are then given free to the shareholders in proportion to the number of shares that they already own:
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on its own name
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have your own company
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Prevent from happening; make impossible.
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one of the legal documents that is created when a company is formed, that gives basic details about the company such as its name, address and the number and value of its shares
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a condition or an arrangement in a legal document:
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chosen for a job or a position of responsibility:
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conflict of interests
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a situation in which there are two jobs, aims, roles, etc. and it is not possible for both of them to be treated equally and fairly at the same time:
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the process of closing a company, selling its assets and paying its debts:
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a person who officially examines the business and financial records of a company to see that they are true and correct:
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one of a group of people who are chosen by shareholders to run a company and decide its policies:
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an economic system in which a country\sis businesses and industry are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government:
subscriber -
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a person who signs the memorandum of association for a new company and who joins with other members of the company in paying for a particular number of shares, appointing the first directors, etc:
ordinary shares
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shares in a company that give the owner the right to a dividend (= money paid to shareholders) according to how much profit the company has made, and the right to vote at meetings of shareholders:
share subdivision
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one 10-pound share is split into ten 1-pound share to increase marketability
share consolidation
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combining a number of low-value shares into one higher-value one
pre-emption rights
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the opportunity given to one person or group to buy goods, shares, etc. before other people:
special resolution
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a resolution (= a formal statement that people vote on) that must be accepted by 75\u0025 of shareholders:
rights issue -
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an occasion when new shares are offered to existing shareholders, often at a lower price than the current market price:
loan capital
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money used to start and run a business that comes from borrowing rather than selling shares
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a loan for a long period of time on which a company promises to pay a fixed rate of interest; the official document that is given to the lender
fixed chargé/cost
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Any type of fixed expense that recurs on a regular basis. it can include insurance, salaries, utilities, vehicle payments, loan payments and mortgage payments.
floating chargé
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in the UK and some other countries, an arrangement where all the assets of a business can be claimed or sold if a debt is not paid:
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to choose not to demand sth in a particular case, even though you have a legal or official right to do so:
typify –
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be an example of
. recover
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authorised share capital
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max amount of share capital that company can issue
. issued share capital –
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shares actually held by shareholders
preference shares
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shareholders reveive a fixed dividend irrespective of performance but they don’t have voting rights
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a document that gives information about a company\sis shares before they are offered for sale:
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to give sth, especially money or goods, to help sb/sth:
Securities and Exchange Commission –
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in the US, a government organization that is responsible for controlling how shares, bonds, etc. are traded to make sure that this is done in an honest way in order to protect investors
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to arrange for people to come together for a formal meeting:
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Regard or consider in a specified way.
Come into force
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the process by which legislation, regulations, treaties and other legal instruments come to have legal force and effect.
. Detrimental
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gross negligance
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the failure to give enough care or attention to sb/sth that you are responsible for:
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a service provided for the public, for example an electricity, water or gas supply:
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the money or other benefits that an employee receives for the work that they do:
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a claim or complaint against sb that a person or an organization can make in court:
cash at bank
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used in financial records to show the total amount of money that a company has in the bank:
raw materials -
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a natural or basic substance that is used to make sth in an industrial process:
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assets that a company has that do not exist physically but are calculated as part of its value, such as a good relationship with its customers, its name, the knowledge and skill of its workers, etc.
debt financing
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(money raised has to be paid back to outside creditors
equity financing
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(money raised comes directly or indirectly from the owners of the business, who hope to have it paid back in the form of more profits
do into business
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establish business
venture capital
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money that is invested in a new company to help it develop or expand, which may involve a lot of risk but can also bring good profits
registered seat
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a short way of writing doing business as in the name of a business, especially one owned by a sole proprietor:
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a state of abeyance, delay or suspended business.
Lift the corporate veil
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s a legal decision to treat the rights or duties of a corporation as the rights or liabilities of its shareholders. Usually a corporation is treated as a separate legal person, which is solely responsible for the debts it incurs and the sole beneficiary of the credit it is owed. Common law countries usually uphold this principle of separate personhood, but in exceptional situations may "pierce" or ........
collateral -
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property or sth valuable that you promise to give sb if you cannot pay back money that you borrow:
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a person who has been given the authority to vote on behalf of a shareholder:
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a person or company that tries to persuade others about the value or importance of a product or service:
stock exchange
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a place where shares in companies are bought and sold; all of the business activity involved in doing this:
off the shelf
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made to a standard design and available to buy and use immediately:
Registered personality
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– legal status of a company that enables treatment as a person
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Legal person
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an organization or company that has its own legal status and is treated in law as a person, separate from the people who run and own it:
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commit - perform - make
. Disclose –
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In arrears
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after you have completed
Rate of pay
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amount of money received per unit time
On request/demand
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when requested
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money paid to the pension scheme
Subject to deductions
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reduce due to official reasons
Outstanding –
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In excess of (INXS)–
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more than
In advance
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before you leave
Remuneration –
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the amount of money that you owe to a bank when you have spent more money than is in your bank account; an arrangement that allows you to do this:
Prior to
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the official process of settling a legal disagreement by sb who is not involved rather than by a court:
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a complaint that an employee or a union makes to an employer about sth at work that they feel is unfair:
. Severance package (redundancy package
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a package of benefits that an employer gives to somebody who loses his or her job.
Official dispute
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Legally binding
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must be obeyed because it is accepted in law
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an ending of the period of time when an official document can be used, or when an agreement or contract is valid:
Employment legislation
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– legal rules of employment
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Involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence.
Enact –
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Put into practice
Trade Union and Labour Relations Act –
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Ustawa o Związkach Zawodowych i Relacjach Międzypracowniczych
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not allowed by law:
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Interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.
Job title
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job position
Trade union
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oganizations of workers who protect other workers
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to make sth happen or force sb to do sth:
On a daily basis
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every day
Capitalist –
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a person who controls a lot of wealth and uses it to produce more wealth
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A limiting qualification, condition, or exception
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an amount that is extra or more than you need:
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that cannot easily be sold and changed into cash:
Corporation -
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- a legal "person" that is separate and distinct from its owners. A it is allowed to own assets, incur liabilities, and sell securities, among other things
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Shared ownership among two or more individuals, some of whom may, but do not necessarily, have limited liability
Recognized qualification in sth
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accepted qualification
Hands-on –
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indirect involvement (in sth)
Working knowledge –
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practical knowledge
Thorough knowledge –
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detailed knowledge
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natural ability or skill at doing sth:
corporate veil
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the principle that a company\sis shareholders or employees are not personally responsible for its debts:
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the act of officially ending a contract or business relationship; the act of breaking up an organization, etc:
current asset
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an asset that a company holds for a short period of time, including cash or sth that can easily provide cash, such as products to be sold; the value of these assets:

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