at the party

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question réponse
appropriate clothes
Before you leave the house check your wardrobe and pick appropriate clothes.
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Odpowiednie ubrania
It is polite to ask the host if you should bring any food like snacks or beverages.
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Even if they refuse, you can take a bottle of good wine with you.
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turn up
Try to come on time or turn up not later than fifteen minutes after it is scheduled
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pojawiać się
compliment on
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prawić komplementy na jakiś temat
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remind about
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przypominać komuś o czymś
come up to
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podejść do
Come in
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Thanks for inviting me
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Dziękuję, że mnie zaprosiłeś
It’s really nice of you
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To bardzo miło z twojej strony
I will introduce you to...
I will introduce you to the rest of my guests.
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przedstawię Cię...
Feel at home
Guys, this is Claire. She’s my workmate. Hope you can talk to everyone. Feel at home.
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rozgość się / czuj się jak u siebie w domu
I didn’t catch your name
Sorry, I didn’t catch your name. It’s loud here.
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nie usłyszałam Twojego imienia
What brings you here?
Oh! And what brings you here? Christopher: I haven’t seen him for a long time and now I’m in the city so it’s a nice chance to talk to him.
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Co Cię tu sprowadza?
Do you want me to get you ...?
Claire, do you want me to get you something to drink? Well, I’ll have a beer if it’s not a problem for you. There you go. Cheers!
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Chcesz abym przyniósł Ci...
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za ... (czyjeś zdrowie)
With pleasure
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Z przyjemnością
have a day off
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mieć dzień wolny (od)
Thanks for having me
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dzięki za zaproszenie mnie
give a lift
I’ll ask my sister to give you a lift. Oh, there’s no need. I’ll catch a taxi. Thanks again. Enjoy the party and see you on Friday.
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podrzucić kogoś
over there
You can leave your coat over there.
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I’m sorry I’m late but there is a lot of traffic right now
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ruch uliczny
sales representative
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przedstawiciel handlowy

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