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to catch/get/have chickenpox
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to go to work NEVER: to go to THE work / to go to my work
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jak już wcześnmiej powiedziałem commencer à apprendre
to nie zajmuje dużo czasu commencer à apprendre
it doesn't take lots of time / a lot of time
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pizda (wulgarne określenie na kobietę) commencer à apprendre
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Przeziębiłem się w zeszłym tygodniu. commencer à apprendre
I caught a cold last week.
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to spend A fortune on sth
na molo commencer à apprendre
on the pier After lunch, the family went for a walk along the pier.
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to have fun / to have a blast
What have you been doing lately? OR What are you doing? What are you up to tonight? / What are you up to this summer? commencer à apprendre
Jaka jest pogoda w Anglii? commencer à apprendre
What's the weather like in England? / How's the weather to day in England?
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to knock AT / ON the knock
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to put sth off / to postpone (more formal) The match had to be postponed until next week. / They decided to postpone their holiday until next year.
Czy możemy przełożyć nasze spotkanie na przyszły tydzień? commencer à apprendre
Can we put off our meeting TILL / UNTIL (more formal) next week?
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Don’t let the restaurant’s decor put you off – the food is really good.
rozwiązać problem / naprawić coś commencer à apprendre
to sort sth out / to deal sth with / to fix sth / to solve a problem / to straighten sth out I need time to straighten out my finances.
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to fill out / to fill in a form / a survey
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