Art and culture: Kinds of films, books and TV programmes

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autobiographical film
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film autobiograficzy
action film
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film przygodowy
adventure film
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film przygodowy
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film rysunkowy
children's film
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film dla dzieci
detective film
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film kryminalny
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film dokumentarny
educational film
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film edukacyjny
drama film
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film obyczajowy
film based on a true story
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film oparty na faktach
feature film
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film fabularny
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serial (każdy p\odcinek ma inny wątek)
silent film
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film niemy
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serial komediowy nagrywany z udziałem publiczności
science fiction film
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film fantastyczny
soap opera
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opera mydlana
war film
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film wojenny
nature film
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film przyrodniczy

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